Endocrine Pharmacology

Welcome to your Endocrine Pharmacology

A 38-year old female comes to your office for hospital follow-up after thyroid surgery. She has had a long history of Graves disease and she finally had her thyroidectomy. She is currently on Levothyroxine and doing well for the most part, but she seems “off.” She has noticed she is very twitchy. While getting routine blood pressure measurements on her, you notice her forearm contract for a couple of seconds and then relax as the blood pressure cuff inflates. Her vitals are stable. Her EKG is normal. The only abnormal thing on physical exam you find is brisk 4+ reflexes in most of her body. Which of the following is the best management for the patient?
Which of the following hormones found in higher levels in patients with MEN 2B?
Which of the following is a drug that can be given in patients with hyperparathyroidism?
What is the drug of choice to give to patients with osteoporosis?
Raloxifene ___ osteoclasts in the bone, and ____ proliferation in the endometrium, and Tamoxifen ___ osteoclasts in the bone, and ____ proliferation in the endometrium.
A patient with osteoporosis controlled with medications comes into your clinic with complaints of jaw pain. The patient informs you that it started 3 weeks ago and slowly and progressively has been getting worse, with nothing helping. No other significant medical history or complaints. On physical exam, you do not notice anything abnormal except for tenderness to touch on the right jaw near the angle of the mandible. Which of the following is the cause of the patient’s pain?
Which of the following drugs is the best to give to a patient with a functional pituitary adenoma?
Which of the following drugs mimics a hormone produced from the delta cells of the pancreas?
Which of the following drugs decreases peripheral conversion of T4 to T3?
A 27-year old female comes to your clinic complaining of new onset fatigue. She has noticed that she has increased weight gain, is tired more often, has cold intolerance, muscle stiffness, and constipation. Which of the following medications should you prescribe to help alleviate her symptoms?
A 47-year old female comes to her annual clinic follow-up with complaints of weight gain. She was diagnosed with lupus 10 years ago and has had it under control while seeing a rheumatologist. She has noticed increased weight gain, new hair growth on her chin, fatigue, difficulty climbing stairs, and dysmenorrhea. On physical exam, her blood pressure is 150/90, but all other vitals are stable. She has purple abdominal striae bilaterally on her abdominal flanks. Which of the following is the cause of this patient’s presentation?
A 57-year old rheumatoid arthritis patient underwent surgery for total hip replacement due to her condition. All of her meds were held 1-day preop, the day of operation, and she is on the first day post op (3rd day without meds) when she suddenly becomes hypotensive, unconscious, seizes, and tachycardic. The patient is given epinephrine and fluids with minimal improvement. Her heart enters ventricular tachycardia, and she soon later passes away. Which of the following could have been given to help the patient?
Which of these is exogenous adrenocorticotropic hormone used in the diagnostics of adrenal insufficiency?
Which of the following is the treatment of choice for a Graves disease patient that has protrusion of the globe out of the orbital cavity and is having vision loss?

1 thought on “Endocrine Pharmacology”

  1. Great Quiz! However, on #9 it states that PTU inhibits the peripheral conversion of T3 to T4, but I think it is supposed to say T4 to T3. Please disregard if I am wrong! Thank-you for the resources!

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